The question isn’t just what type of fence is best, but what type is of fence is best FOR YOU. Monster fence has compiled a quick checklist of questions you should ask yourself to help figure out which type of fence is best for you.

1. What type or style is my neighbor’s or neighborhood’s existing fencing?
2. What are my HOA rules or restrictions?
3. What’s my purpose for a fence? Keeping your little Monsters in or keeping the big, bad Monsters out?
4. What is the size of my property?
5. What type of land, landscape, layout challenges might we face?
6. Do I want (or have) a pool, pond, or water feature?
Neighbor’s or Neighborhood’s existing Fence?
Although it might not be a rule per se especially in well established communities, matching the neighborhood’s style is often preferred. We can’t always agree and if you aren’t going to face legal action then choosing a fence that bests fits your needs and not necessarily your neighbor’s is your prerogative. However, there are ways to bridge the gap or compromise.
For instance my, next door neighbor to the south had an existing 5 foot 2 Rail Wrought Iron Fence with screws & brackets. However, my next door neighbor to the north wanted 6ft 2 Rail Wrought Iron Fence, welded. I choose to match the existing 5ft fence from the side of my house to meet the existing fence and made the rest of my fence in the back and north sides 6ft welded. An attempt to appease both. Ultimately, it’s your property and your fence (if you pay for it yourself) and thus it’s your choice, HOA rules aside.